Roger Hauck

About Roger
State Rep. Roger Hauck was first elected to the Michigan House in 2016, representing the 99th District which encompasses all of Isabella County and ten townships in Midland County. As your next state senator he will represent Isabella, Mecosta, Osceola, Clare, Gladwin, and Gratiot counties and portions of Clinton, Saginaw, Midland, Bay and Lake counties.
Hauck serves as chair of the House Regulatory Reform Committee and as a member of Health Policy, Government Operations, and Communications & Technology committees. At a time when it is imperative that our economy helps our business, and our focus on healthcare must be vigilant, he stands in a position to meet the needs of the 34th district residents.
Roger grew up on a beef and dairy farm and graduated from Beal City High School. He then attended Central Michigan University before starting a 24 year career at the Delfield Company. He also co-owns a small building company. Rep. Hauck and his wife, Raschelle, have two adult children. Hauck enjoys bow hunting and fishing. He also enjoys riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle.
Prior to serving as state representative, Hauck served as a Union Township trustee. He is a member of the National Rifle Association, Michigan Farm Bureau, Mt. Pleasant Sacred Heart, and Eagles Club.
Issues Facing Our Great State
Sponsored legislation to prohibit surprise medical billing. With skyrocketing healthcare costs, patients have a right to know exactly what their healthcare costs will be before they receive treatment.
Infrastructure, Public Safety, and Insurance Reform
• Secured $3.1m in funding for the Beal City sewer project.
• Secured funding for 9-1-1 services in Isabella County
• Supported auto-no-fault-reform to lower Michigan’s highest-in-the-nation auto insurance rates. As a result, in 2022, families can expect a $400 per vehicle rebate.
Jobs & Economy
As a small business owner, Roger knows that small businesses are the backbone of Michigan’s economy. He also knows that in order for business to thrive, we need less burdensome regulations, a workforce ready for the jobs that are available, and low taxes for both employers and employees.
Taxes & Inflation
Inflation is out of control and the cost of living is skyrocketing. At the grocery store and at the gas station we are feeling it. That’s why Roger is committed to making sure you keep more of your paycheck. Government doesn’t know how to spend your money better than you do.
Election Integrity
2020 showed some glaring deficiencies in our elections. Unsolicited absentee ballot applications, liberal millionaire money fueled into democratic precincts, unclear ballot verification and acceptance processes all deteriorated voters’ faith in our system. Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy and every voter deserves to have faith that their ballot counts. Common sense reforms like requiring photo identification to vote are simple. Roger will make sure every legitimate vote counts as it should.
Kids have gone through the ringer over the last 2 years; in school, out of school, back in school again and so-on. They have suffered social and emotional set backs and the learning loss has been tragic. It is imperative that our students are back in the classroom and that they are given the resources they need to get learning back on track.
The New 34th State Senate District